Report from the Portuguese General Strike | minuto-a-minuto

«We set off from MOB around 10pm. We drove to the bin workers’ picket line where more than 30 bin workers were standing firm. When talking to many of the workers they didn’t only speak about the local disputes they have been involved in (and there are countless) but also about the need to fight the Troika. They spoke about Germany’s role in driving the austerity policies and the complicity of the Portuguese government.
They were very open to young activists from the movement coming along to their picket. An activist from Pi told me that this wouldn’t have been the case five years ago.
The General Secretary of the CGTP addressed the workers. His speech was fiery. From time to time workers broke out in chants. It was inspiring to see a solid strike! Out of 125 workers only two scabbed which made their work impossible to carry out.
After hearing rumours that CTT was employing scabs at the Lisboa & South Postal Depot we headed down there. Rather than a scabbing operation we were met with more than 50 postal workers barbecuing, drinking wine and having a great time on the picket line. Cars turned up the music as they drove by. Activists mingled with the workers.
As the Iberian peninsula grinds to a halt over the next few hours, we hope that this can be the start for a generalised revolt against the system which exploits us from Adelaide to Athens, Bangkok to Berlin, Cairo to Cinncinati.»

Mark D. Bergfeld
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